The appointment was for 11:15 on Tuesday. I wasn’t looking forward to it but knew if I didn’t go, my driver’s licence may get yanked. The doctor specialized in dealing with sleep apnea.
He told me I was mid range moderate and had stopped breathing 22 times an hour for short periods although one was for 59 seconds. My brother suggested I take up diving. If you have read the previous blog, you will have noticed the pics of a C-PAP machine that is worn at night. They have become much more streamlined than they were in the 1980’s but really, who wants to have one of those hanging off your face all night.
Now, here’s where it gets good. I told him I had lost weight since our last conversation. Well, let’s get weighed again. It was one of those happy moments when he asked me what my goal was and I said 200 by June 30. That was enough for Dr. Fried to close the file and tell me that I didn’t need the machine and he would monitor me through my local doctor’s office.
So, it’s 5 months to lose 45 lbs. I’m down from 280 lbs prior to my near death diabetic coma weighing in at 245 and figure 10 ibs a month is a good and healthy rate of burn.
I also failed a test this past week that I had studied for and felt rather embarrassed about. 59% used to get you a pass but not at this place. It was a stress test and before my quadriceps femoris exploded off my leg or melted down over my patella, I hollered, “Give, Uncle,” whatever, just turn off the tread mill. The only word in my mind was “pain.” I know, I’m a woos.
The plan is to re-test in the days ahead and do the full time. My poor old heart has taken a beating after 65 years of abuse so I need to be careful but according to all the other tests, it’s beating along at a good rate. I have been taken off all blood pressure medication, my insulin has been reduced and my breathing is back to normal. Being fat is not good. Can’t wait to get back into my Speedo.