Rotator Cuffs. It's amazing how easily it is to learn about your body via pain. 13 years ago, I hit a Forest Green, 1994 Jeep right smack in the middle with my Yamaha XS Special. Yep, head-on. Probably doing about 75 KPH when I laid it down. The problem was, I forgot to let go of the handlebars and pulled both shoulders as I flew like a bird into the only soft spot on the Widji road. Ambulance. Hospital. Whoa, he looks OK to me nurse. Let's send him on his way. (Guess where the hospital was.)
That was then and this is now. Finally, my good doctor sent me for an MRI and low and behold, I had a torn rotator cuff PLUS bone spurs. No wonder the sucker has been hurting for all these years. And now, yes dear friends, and now all the nay sayers who got tired of my complaints (and you know who you are) can just ......!
Check out the picture of a one winged bear.
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